master bedroom

Image by THANH TUẤN NGUYỄN from Pixabay

We’ve all heard it before—”Making your bed sets the tone for the day.” But let’s be real: how many of us actually take this advice to heart? For me, making the bed isn’t just a habit; it’s a non-negotiable, deeply rooted in both tradition and necessity. Before we dive into why this simple act is hailed by countless experts for its emotional and mental health benefits, let me share a bit about my personal journey with this daily ritual.

A Tradition Passed Down

My grandma was a firm believer in the power of a made bed. Growing up, she’d remind me that a well-made bed was a reflection of a well-ordered life. She taught me from a young age that no matter what chaos the day might bring, my bed was a small, controllable corner of peace. This lesson stuck with me, and now, it’s something I can’t go without.

The OCD Effect

Having OCD means that leaving my bed unmade feels like leaving the house without my keys—it’s unthinkable. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a sense of calm and order before stepping out into the world. My day simply cannot start until that bed is neatly made, corners tucked, pillows fluffed.

Team Effort at 5 AM

Every morning at 5 AM, Santiago and I team up to make the bed. It’s a small act of partnership that sets the stage for the day ahead. There’s something satisfying about starting the day together, completing this simple task side by side.

Beyond Personal Rituals: Why Making Your Bed Matters

While my reasons are personal, the broader benefits of making your bed each morning are well-documented. Here’s why so many experts rave about this simple yet transformative habit:

1. Boosts Mental Clarity

Clutter has a way of overwhelming the mind. A made bed creates a visual sense of order, reducing mental noise and helping you feel more in control of your space—and by extension, your day.

2. Promotes Discipline and Routine

Starting the day with a small, productive act like making your bed can foster a sense of discipline. It’s a gateway habit that can lead to a more structured and productive day.

3. Enhances Mood

Walking into a bedroom with a neatly made bed is inherently satisfying. It provides a small but significant emotional lift, signaling that you’ve started the day on a positive note.

4. Improves Sleep Hygiene

Believe it or not, a made bed can actually contribute to better sleep. It makes your bedroom a more inviting space, encouraging you to wind down and sleep well at the end of the day.

5. Encourages a Mindset of Achievement

Making your bed is a quick win that kickstarts a chain reaction of accomplishments. It sets the tone for a “can-do” attitude, making you more likely to tackle other tasks.

Related: Why I’m Focusing on Progress, Not Perfection, in 2025

A Small Act with Big Impact

Making your bed might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a small action that can lead to a more organized, productive, and peaceful day. Whether you’re like me, driven by a mix of tradition and necessity, or someone looking to add a bit of order to your mornings, this simple habit is worth embracing.

So tomorrow, when the alarm goes off, give it a try. You might just find that a few minutes spent making your bed leads to a day filled with a little more calm and a lot more clarity. And hey, if you can’t get behind the habit for the health benefits, do it for the satisfaction of pulling back those perfectly tucked covers at night—there’s nothing quite like it!

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

This website may contain affiliate links, including links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your purchase price but helps support the site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

narcissistic sculpture

Image by Olle August from Pixabay

Narcissists can be challenging to identify at first. They often charm their way into your life. However, over time, patterns emerge that reveal their true nature. I lived with a narcissist for 13 long years and still suffer from PTSD that the relationship caused even though it was 20 years ago.

If you suspect someone in your life may be a narcissist, here are key signs to look out for.

They Constantly Brag About Themselves

One of the most telltale signs of a narcissist is their need to brag. Narcissists often inflate their achievements and make everything about them. They crave admiration and validation, thriving on compliments and recognition. For instance, they might exaggerate a minor accomplishment to appear more impressive.

Narcissists are experts at steering conversations back to themselves. Even in group settings, they find a way to highlight their skills, experiences, or success stories. If someone constantly needs to be the center of attention, it might be a red flag.

They Fish for Compliments Online

In the digital age, narcissists often use social media as their stage. You’ll notice they frequently post selfies or photos showcasing their “best” moments. However, these posts often serve one purpose—to elicit praise.

For example, they might post a picture with a caption like, “Not bad for someone who’s almost 50, right?” This subtle fishing for compliments ensures their followers respond with admiration and attention. If someone’s feed is full of pictures and posts designed to impress, it could be a sign of narcissistic tendencies.

They Lack Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share someone else’s feelings. Narcissists, however, struggle with this. They often dismiss others’ emotions or fail to acknowledge them entirely.

If you share something personal, a narcissist might quickly change the subject or offer a response that feels insincere. They prioritize their feelings over yours and may not even realize how their words or actions affect others.

They Have an Inflated Sense of Importance

Narcissists believe they are more important than others. They feel entitled to special treatment and often expect others to cater to their needs. This inflated sense of importance can manifest in different ways.

For instance, they might demand attention in public places. They are usually loud and boisterous. If someone acts as though the rules don’t apply to them, it’s another warning sign.

They Struggle with Criticism

Narcissists have fragile egos. While they may appear confident, even the slightest criticism can set them off. They react defensively, often lashing out or making excuses to protect their self-image.

If you’ve ever given constructive feedback to someone and they responded with anger or tried to blame others, they might be exhibiting narcissistic behavior. They struggle to accept flaws or admit when they’re wrong.

They Manipulate Others

Narcissists are skilled manipulators. They use others to get what they want, whether it’s admiration, resources, or control. They might play the victim to gain sympathy or use guilt to influence your decisions.

For example, they might say, “After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you treat me?” This manipulation tactic often leaves you feeling guilty or questioning your actions, even when you’ve done nothing wrong.

They Strive to Maintain a Perfect Image

Narcissists are obsessed with how others perceive them. They go to great lengths to maintain a flawless image. This could mean dressing impeccably, driving an expensive car, or always trying to appear “put together.” In reality, their life is usually total chaos.

Social media, again, plays a significant role here. Narcissists carefully curate their online presence, sharing only the highlights of their lives. From exotic vacations to fancy dinners, their posts often scream, “Look how amazing my life is!”

They Lack Genuine Connections

Despite their charm, narcissists often struggle to form deep, meaningful relationships. Their relationships tend to be shallow and transactional, serving their needs rather than fostering mutual support.

Over time, friends and loved ones may feel drained or unimportant because the narcissist rarely reciprocates emotional support. If someone’s relationships seem one-sided, this could be a clue.

They Exhibit Jealousy and Envy

Narcissists can’t handle others’ success. They often feel envious when someone achieves something they haven’t. Instead of celebrating others’ wins, they’ll try to downplay them or redirect attention back to themselves.

For example, if you share good news, a narcissist might respond with a dismissive comment like, “That’s great, but let me tell you about my latest project.” This jealousy stems from their need to be the best.

How to Handle a Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist can be draining. Here are a few tips to protect yourself:

  1. Set Boundaries: Clearly define what behavior you will and won’t tolerate. Stick to these boundaries.
  2. Don’t Engage in Their Drama: Narcissists thrive on conflict. Avoid feeding into their need for attention.
  3. Seek Support: Talk to trusted friends or a therapist about your experiences. They can offer guidance and perspective.
  4. Limit Your Exposure: If possible, reduce the time you spend with the narcissist. Protecting your energy is crucial.

Final Thoughts

Recognizing the signs of a narcissist can help you navigate your relationships more effectively. While not everyone who displays these traits is a narcissist, patterns of behavior can reveal a lot about someone’s character.

If you’re dealing with a narcissist, remember to prioritize your well-being. You can’t change their behavior, but you can control how you respond. By setting boundaries and focusing on your own needs, you can protect yourself from their manipulative tendencies.

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

woman yawning

Image by Victoria from Pixabay

I have always been a night owl, but this year, I’m making sleep a top priority. In the past, I often sacrificed sleep for productivity, late-night scrolling, or just one more episode of a favorite show. But I’ve realized that getting enough rest is crucial for my health, mood, and overall well-being. Here’s why sleep is at the top of my 2025 goals and how you can prioritize it too.

The Benefits of Prioritizing Sleep

Improved Mental Health

A good night’s sleep does wonders for mental health. When I don’t get enough sleep, I feel irritable, anxious, and less able to handle stress. With more rest, I’m calmer, happier, and better equipped to face daily challenges.

Better Physical Health

Sleep isn’t just about feeling rested; it also impacts physical health. It supports immune function, helps maintain a healthy weight, and reduces the risk of chronic illnesses. Prioritizing sleep is one of the simplest ways to boost overall health.

Enhanced Productivity

It might seem counterintuitive, but sleeping more can actually make you more productive. When I’m well-rested, I can focus better, think more clearly, and get more done in less time. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

sleeping lady

Image by 영훈 박 from Pixabay

How I’m Prioritizing Sleep

Setting a Consistent Bedtime

One of the first changes I’ve made is setting a consistent bedtime. Going to bed at the same time every night helps regulate my body’s internal clock. It makes falling asleep easier and ensures I wake up feeling refreshed.

Creating a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

A calming bedtime routine signals to my body that it’s time to wind down. I’ve started dimming the lights. My kids bought me an awesome Himalayan salt lamp for Christmas and that’s the only light I use. I also read or take a warm bath before bed. These activities help me relax and prepare for a restful night.

Limiting Screen Time

Screens emit blue light that can interfere with sleep. I am trying my best to put my phone away at least an hour before bed. Instead, I focus on screen-free activities like journaling or listening to sleep affirmations to ease into sleep mode.

Making the Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

My bedroom is now a sleep sanctuary. I’ve invested in comfortable bedding, blackout curtains, and a soothing fan. The goal is to create an environment that’s conducive to sleep—cool, dark, and quiet.

comfy bed

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

Watching What I Eat and Drink

What I consume in the evening can affect my sleep. I’ve started avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime. Instead, I opt for eating no later than 7pm and drink chamomile tea mixed with Calm magnesium powder just before bed to help me relax.

Tips for Prioritizing Sleep

Track Your Sleep

Tracking your sleep can help identify patterns and areas for improvement. There are many apps and devices that can monitor sleep duration and quality. Seeing the data can be a motivating factor to make positive changes.

Make Gradual Changes

If your current sleep schedule is far from ideal, start small. Gradually adjust your bedtime in 15-minute increments until you reach your goal. This approach makes it easier to stick with new habits.

Related: Setting My Intentions for 2025

Prioritize Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to practices that promote good sleep. This includes keeping your bedroom for sleep only, avoiding naps that are too long, and getting exposure to natural light during the day. Small changes can have a big impact.

Listen to Your Body

Everyone’s sleep needs are different. Pay attention to how you feel after varying amounts of sleep and adjust accordingly. Aim for the amount that leaves you feeling refreshed and energized.

My Two Cents

In 2025, I’m committed to making sleep a priority because it has always been a major issue for me. It’s a simple but powerful way to improve health, mood, and productivity. If you’ve been neglecting sleep, consider making it a focus this year. Start with small changes and see how much better you feel with a full night’s rest. After all, better sleep means better days ahead.

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

This website may contain affiliate links, including links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your purchase price but helps support the site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

man eating a lemon

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

I’ve had a lifelong love affair with lemons—not just the juicy pulp but the peels, too! Imagine me at a restaurant, casually sprinkling a little salt on a lemon peel and chomping away. The looks I get are priceless. Am I the only one who craves these tangy snacks? Maybe I have a vitamin deficiency, or maybe lemons are just my thing.

Why Lemons Are a Big Deal

Lemons are more than just a garnish for your water glass. They’re nutritional powerhouses, especially the peels. While most people discard the peel, it actually contains a higher concentration of nutrients than the pulp or juice.

Packed with Nutrients

Here’s what you get in 100 grams of lemon peel:

  • Calories: 47 kcal
  • Fiber: 10.6 grams
  • Vitamin C: 129 mg (over 100% of your daily needs)
  • Calcium: 134 mg
lemon water

Image by svklimkin from Pixabay

Health Benefits

  1. Heart Health: The vitamin C and fiber in lemon peels can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels.
  2. Antioxidants Galore: Lemon peels are rich in antioxidants like D-limonene, which can fight free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  3. Digestive Aid: The pectin in lemon zest helps improve digestion and can prevent constipation.
  4. Boosts Immunity: High in antioxidants, lemon peels can give your immune system a lift, helping your body ward off infections.
  5. Oral Health: Thanks to their antibacterial properties, lemon peels can help keep your mouth healthy by preventing bacteria that cause cavities and gum infections.
  6. Bone Health: The calcium and vitamin C in lemon peels may support stronger bones, potentially reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Beyond the Kitchen

Lemon peels aren’t just for eating. They make excellent natural cleaning agents, thanks to their antibacterial properties. Mix them with vinegar, and you’ve got a powerful, eco-friendly cleaner. I have also used them in my skin routine for years. A simple face mask made from lemon juice and milk works wonders. Just squeeze a small amount of lemon juice in about 1/4 cup of milk. Allow the mixture to curdle before applying to the face. Let the mask dry and then rinse. I also make a body scrub from sugar, lemon juice and olive oil. This is the perfect exfoliant!

yellow lips and lemon

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

My Lemon Love Affair

Lemons are a staple in my daily routine. I often snack on them solo, savoring the zestiness of the peel with a pinch of salt. Every morning starts with a refreshing glass of lemon water and cayenne, which feels like a health boost in a glass. When it comes to cooking, lemons are my secret weapon. I toss slices into soups for a tangy twist and drizzle their juice over fresh field greens as a light, citrusy salad dressing. Santiago loves lemon pepper chicken. Lemons add that perfect burst of flavor to my meals!

Whether it’s a craving or just pure love, lemons have a special place in my heart—and my diet. So, next time you see someone snacking on a lemon peel, don’t be surprised. We might be onto something delicious and nutritious!

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

This website may contain affiliate links, including links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your purchase price but helps support the site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

fuzzy socks

Image by Aritha from Pixabay

January is the perfect time to reflect, reset, and find joy in the little things. As we settle into the new year, I’ve been discovering a few favorite things that bring comfort, excitement, and a sense of freshness to my daily routine. From cozy comforts to practical tools, here’s a roundup of what’s making my January a little brighter.

Cozy Comforts

Soft, Comfy Pajamas

There’s nothing like wrapping up in a soft, oversized pajama set on a chilly January day. It’s my go-to for staying warm while still feeling cozy. They are perfect when I’m working from home (when I’m not on camera) or just lying around.

Scented Candles

Candles are an easy way to create a cozy atmosphere. Right now, I’m loving warm, spicy scents like cinnamon and vanilla. Lighting a candle in the evening sets a calming mood, perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Fuzzy Socks

Slipping into a pair of fuzzy socks is one of life’s simple pleasures. They keep my feet toasty and add a touch of coziness to my daily routine. My husband keeps me in the sock game. He buys me socks for every holiday and sometimes just because. I’ve stocked up on a few pairs in fun patterns to brighten up these gray winter days.

Practical Tools

My Planner

January is all about getting organized, and my planner is my trusty sidekick. I love the feeling of mapping out my week and checking off tasks. It helps me stay on track and keeps the overwhelm at bay. Plus, I’ve found one with a beautiful cover that makes planning a little more enjoyable.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Working from home comes with its fair share of distractions, which is why my noise-cancelling headphones are a game-changer. Whether I’m focusing on a project or enjoying some downtime with music, they help me stay in the zone.

A Quality Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is a goal I’m sticking to this year, and having a good water bottle makes it easier. I’ve found one that keeps my water cold all day and has a convenient handle for carrying around. It’s a small change, but it’s made a big difference in my daily routine.

Entertainment and Hobbies

New Books

As an avid reader, I’m always on the hunt for my next great read. This month, I’ve been diving into a mix of fiction and non-fiction that keeps me inspired and entertained. There’s something about curling up with a good book on a winter evening that feels just right.

Finding Calm with Bob Ross

Lately, I’ve found myself drawn to the Bob Ross channel on Roku, where I’ve been watching him paint his iconic “happy little trees.” There’s something incredibly soothing about his calm, encouraging voice and the gentle swish of his brush on the canvas. It’s become a comforting ritual, a quiet escape from the hustle of daily life. His serene demeanor and positive outlook remind me to slow down and appreciate the simple joys of creativity and nature.


Journaling has become a calming ritual for me. Whether I’m jotting down thoughts, gratitude lists, or random musings, it helps me process my day and stay mindful. It’s also a great way to track progress on my goals and reflect on the little joys.

Self-Care Favorites

At-Home Spa Treatments

With the cold weather taking a toll on my skin, I’ve been indulging in at-home spa treatments. Face masks, body scrubs, and moisturizing lotions are part of my weekly routine now. It’s a simple way to feel pampered without leaving the house.

Morning Stretch Routine

Starting my day with a gentle stretch routine has been a game-changer. It wakes up my body and mind, setting a positive tone for the day. Plus, it’s a great way to shake off any stiffness from a night’s sleep.

Herbal Teas

There’s something soothing about a warm cup of herbal tea on a cold day. I’ve been exploring different flavors like chamomile, peppermint, and lavender. It’s a comforting ritual that helps me relax and unwind.

Home Upgrades

Fresh Throw Pillows

Sometimes, a small change can make a big impact. I’ve added a few new throw pillows to my living room, and it’s made the space feel fresh and inviting. It’s a simple, affordable way to give my home a mini-makeover.


Bringing a bit of greenery indoors has been a game-changer for my mood. Houseplants add life and vibrancy to any space. I’ve started with a few low-maintenance ones, and I love how they brighten up my home.

Organized Kitchen Pantry

There’s something satisfying about an organized pantry. I usually keep the pantry and cabinets in order, but it had gotten out of hand. I recently tackled mine, and now it’s a joy to see everything back in its place. It’s made meal prep easier and has reduced the stress of searching for ingredients.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of my favorite things this January. They may be simple, but they’ve added a bit of joy and comfort to my life. As we continue through the month, I’m looking forward to discovering more little treasures that make the everyday feel special. What are some of your favorite things right now?

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

This website may contain affiliate links, including links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your purchase price but helps support the site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

lady in snow

Image created with Canva Magic Studio

When the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, many people start feeling a little off. If you notice your energy dipping, your mood swinging, or your motivation slipping as winter approaches, you might be dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Let’s explore some practical, friendly ways to keep your spirits up when the seasons change.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

SAD is more than just the “winter blues.” It’s a type of depression that typically occurs in the fall and winter months when there’s less natural sunlight. Symptoms can include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, feelings of sadness, and changes in sleep patterns.

Signs to Watch Out For:

  • Feeling sluggish or tired all the time
  • Craving carbs or sweets more than usual
  • Struggling to focus or get things done
  • Withdrawing from social activities
  • Feeling down or hopeless
boy on a bench on a sad day

Image created with Canva Magic Studio

How to Combat SAD:

1. Let the Light In

Natural light is your best friend during the colder months. Try to get outside whenever you can, even if it’s just for a short walk. At home, open the blinds and sit near windows to soak in as much sunlight as possible.

2. Consider Light Therapy

If natural light is in short supply, a light therapy lamp can help. These boxes mimic natural sunlight and can make a big difference in regulating your mood and energy levels.

3. Get Moving

Exercise is a powerful mood booster. Whether it’s a quick yoga session, a walk around the block, or dancing in your living room, regular movement helps fight off the sluggishness of SAD.

4. Eat Nourishing Foods

What you eat can affect how you feel. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These can help keep your energy levels stable and your mood positive.

5. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Consistent sleep routines are crucial. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. A regular sleep schedule helps regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to combat mood swings.

6. Stay Connected

When it’s cold and dark, it can be tempting to hibernate. But staying connected with friends and family can lift your spirits. Whether it’s a coffee date or a quick video call, these moments of connection are vital.

7. Practice Self-Care

Take time for yourself. This could be a warm bath, reading a good book, or journaling. Whatever brings you joy and relaxation can help ease the symptoms of SAD.

Related: How to Stay Focused When You’re Stuck Inside All Day

8. Try Stress-Reduction Techniques

Stress can amplify the effects of SAD. Practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help you stay calm and centered. Stimulating the vagus nerve helps as well.

9. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If SAD is affecting your daily life, don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor. They can offer strategies tailored to your situation. Sometimes, medication might also be recommended to help balance your mood. Absolutely no shame in getting the help you need.

10. Plan Fun Activities

Having things to look forward to can make the winter months feel more manageable. Plan outings, hobbies, or even a cozy movie night to keep your spirits high.


Seasonal Affective Disorder can feel like a heavy blanket during the colder months, but you don’t have to let it weigh you down. With a few simple strategies, you can brighten even the gloomiest days. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are always ways to find joy and light, even in the darkest seasons. Stay warm, stay connected, and take care of yourself!

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

This website may contain affiliate links, including links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your purchase price but helps support the site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Homeostasis belly

What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is your body’s way of keeping everything in balance. It’s like your internal thermostat, making sure your temperature, hydration, and energy levels are just right. When homeostasis is working, you feel good and stay healthy.

Why It Matters More in Winter

Winter can throw your body off balance. Cold weather, shorter days, and holiday stress all make it harder to maintain homeostasis. Your body works extra hard to stay warm and keep everything running smoothly.

Related: How I Stay Productive When It’s Cold and Gloomy Outside

okra water

Image created with Canva Magic Studio

Boost Your Winter Balance

To help your body stay balanced, pay attention to what you eat and drink. Here are some top picks for winter wellness:

1. Okra Water Okra water is a fantastic way to stay hydrated and support digestion. Just soak okra in water overnight, and drink it in the morning. It’s rich in nutrients and helps your body stay in balance.

2. Warm Soups A bowl of warm soup is perfect for winter. Soups made with bone broth, vegetables, and lean protein help keep you nourished and warm. Plus, they’re easy on your digestion.

3. Herbal Teas Herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, or chamomile are soothing and hydrating. They can help you relax and support your immune system.

4. Seasonal Fruits Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are in season during winter and packed with vitamin C. They help boost your immune system and keep you energized.

5. Nuts and Seeds Snack on almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds. They’re full of healthy fats and help keep your energy up when it’s cold outside.

Stay Active and Rested

Eating well is just part of the picture. Stay active to keep your body’s systems humming, and don’t skimp on sleep. Rest is crucial for maintaining balance, especially during the busy winter months.

woman doing yoga

Image by Belloso & Herchen GbR from Pixabay

Other Ways to Stay Balanced

Besides diet, there are plenty of other ways to help your body maintain homeostasis in winter:

1. Regular Exercise Even when it’s cold, try to stay active. Go for a walk, do some yoga at home, or hit the gym. Exercise helps regulate your body temperature and boosts your mood.

2. Stay Hydrated It’s easy to drink less water in winter, but staying hydrated is key. Keep a water bottle handy and sip throughout the day.

3. Manage Stress Stress can throw off your body’s balance. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness to keep stress in check.

4. Get Sunlight Shorter days mean less sunlight, which can affect your mood and energy. Try to get outside during daylight hours or consider using a light therapy lamp.

5. Dress Warmly Keeping your body warm helps it maintain a stable internal temperature. Layer up with cozy clothes, hats, and gloves when you head outside.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your body in balance is essential for feeling your best. This winter, focus on nourishing foods and drinks, staying active, managing stress, and getting plenty of rest. Your body will thank you for it!

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a true crime junkie and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and Southern Bred True Crime Junkie. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.

This website may contain affiliate links, including links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your purchase price but helps support the site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Obesity is a serious epidemic in this country and with more and more people opting to work from home the number of overweight individuals is only going to increase.

Obesity brings on a myriad of health issues, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, bone and joint issues, circulatory problems, not to mention serious psychological effects. It is imperative that those of us who choose to work from home incorporate movement into our daily routine.

There are new studies surfacing everywhere that show even if you get regular exercise sitting too much is just bad for you. Scary news for those who work from a desk!

Hell, I work from my desk, recliner, bed and anywhere else I may find some peace and quiet. I personally never realized just how detrimental it was to your health. I just assumed if you eat healthy and exercise regularly that resting and not working your body too hard was good for you- boy was I wrong!

It has been proven that sitting three or more hours per day can shave two years off your life. WOW! I have been sitting more than that for many years now.

Lately, I have been more proactive about moving around throughout the day. Babysitting my two toddler grandbabies definitely makes that feat easier. I’m always chasing one of them away from something!

I have always LOVED vacuuming (just one of my many compulsive disorders), so I have made sure to increase my daily vacuum time to at least 15 minutes.  

Along with my other daily chores, I easily spend an hour doing housework. Another good thing for me is my bedroom is upstairs. I usually make several trips up and down throughout the day.


Doctors can’t seem to agree on an exact time frame, but most agree that you should not sit for more than 30 minutes at a time. Even with all the things I have listed above I still need tons of improvement and I’m sure most readers are in the same boat.

I have compiled a list of tips to get you up off your tush more often. I hope you find something on the list to get that blood pumping!

  • Standing desks are becoming the new thing, but my feet are hurting just thinking about it
  • Normal people take breaks to sit, but we need to take standing breaks
  • If you watch TV while working, use each commercial break as a time to get up, stretch and walk around
  • Take a brisk walk around the block on your lunch break
  • If you are able to +work outside whenever possible, the fresh air is just good for the body in general
  • Make a trip to the mailbox
  • Move things like staples, paper clips, trash cans, etc. to the other side of the room so you must get up when needed
  • Use a smaller coffee cup or glass so it will need to be refilled more often
  • Drink more water throughout the day. Water makes the blood flow better and the frequent trips to the bathroom are good exercise
  • Get an exercise ball chair – I had no idea these even existed, but the results are supposed to be amazing
  • If you listen to the radio while working don’t be afraid to jump up and shake that booty when your favorite song comes on

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a travel writer and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings and L&S Freelance Writers. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family that consists of six children and eight grandchildren.

So today is day one of clean eating for me this week. So far so good! I stuck to the plan like a champ. Now, let’s see if I can keep it up for the next 4 days. I have an amazing support system so I know I will be fine!

My Beachbody coach started a private challenge group trying to get her team motivated. That is one of the greatest rewards of being a part of a Beachbody team, somebody is always there to lift you up and push you to be your best. I have never met so many wonderful, unified people in my life.

I started off by meal prepping Sunday afternoon. That always seems to get me pumped for the upcoming week. Having everything already prepared takes away the urge to eat on a whim. It also saves so much time spent in the kitchen.

We are keeping our diet very simple this week. I can’t wait to see the results! Just in case anybody wants to see what these Beachbody challenges look like, I have included a copy of our meal plan.


                                 Courtesy of Road Warrior Momma

As I said before, we are keeping it simple, but I still expect great results. Not only should I lose a couple of pounds (at least 3 I hope), but I should start feeling better soon. I’ve been in a vicious fast-food cycle lately. I feel so sluggish and just plain yuck! I know after a few days of eating clean and exercise I will feel like a new girl!

If you are thinking of starting on your own wellness and fitness journey, don’t do it on your own! I would love to help you along the way. I love sharing what I know and watching others take that info and make major transformations. If you join my team you will have all the support you will need right at your fingertips! Don’t put it off any longer. Get started today!

Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a travel writer and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.