So today is day one of clean eating for me this week. So far so good! I stuck to the plan like a champ. Now, let’s see if I can keep it up for the next 4 days. I have an amazing support system so I know I will be fine!
My Beachbody coach started a private challenge group trying to get her team motivated. That is one of the greatest rewards of being a part of a Beachbody team, somebody is always there to lift you up and push you to be your best. I have never met so many wonderful, unified people in my life.
I started off by meal prepping Sunday afternoon. That always seems to get me pumped for the upcoming week. Having everything already prepared takes away the urge to eat on a whim. It also saves so much time spent in the kitchen.
We are keeping our diet very simple this week. I can’t wait to see the results! Just in case anybody wants to see what these Beachbody challenges look like, I have included a copy of our meal plan.

Courtesy of Road Warrior Momma
As I said before, we are keeping it simple, but I still expect great results. Not only should I lose a couple of pounds (at least 3 I hope), but I should start feeling better soon. I’ve been in a vicious fast-food cycle lately. I feel so sluggish and just plain yuck! I know after a few days of eating clean and exercise I will feel like a new girl!
If you are thinking of starting on your own wellness and fitness journey, don’t do it on your own! I would love to help you along the way. I love sharing what I know and watching others take that info and make major transformations. If you join my team you will have all the support you will need right at your fingertips! Don’t put it off any longer. Get started today!
Lisa Crow contributed to this article. She is a travel writer and lifestyle blogger based in Waco, Texas. Lisa is the Head of Content at Gigi’s Ramblings. She spends her free time traveling when she can and making memories with her large family which consists of six children and fifteen grandchildren.